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Release Date: November 28th, 2023, Version Number:

New Connection

  • Add Oracle -> Doris/SelectDB structure migration, full data, incremental, data verification and correction.

New Features

  • Support Kafka source with Debezium JSON message format.
  • Support MongoDB versions 6.x and 7.x. Currently, MongoDB versions 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x are supported.
  • Support MongoDB source with Change Stream subscription mode (Change Stream is enabled by default for version 5.x and above, can be modified through the captureMode parameter).
  • Support MongoDB target with timezone conversion configuration during data writing (enableTimeZoneProcess set to true, timezone set to the desired timezone).
  • Support batch writing to MongoDB target (modify the enableBatchApply parameter to true).
  • Support data validation and correction for MongoDB to MongoDB migration (data correction is only supported for collections with long/integer/objectId as the primary key).
  • Support incremental synchronization for MongoDB source in a master-slave architecture (modify oplogCollection to oplog.$main).
  • Support MySQL to StarRocks (version 3.1.4 and above) binary data synchronization (modify the enableEasyMatchMode parameter to true).
  • Support data validation and correction for MySQL to MongoDB migration (data correction is only supported for tables with long/int/varchar as the primary key).
  • Support data truncation before full data synchronization to OceanBase target, facilitating reruns and resetting data at the start of scheduled full data operations.
  • Support data truncation before full data synchronization to TiDB target, facilitating reruns and resetting data at the start of scheduled tasks.
  • Support default mapping rules for MySQL to StarRocks/Doris (by default, mapping is done based on mirror matching on the web page, for structure migration, data migration, and synchronization).
  • Support mapping of uppercase table/column names to lowercase table/column names for MySQL to StarRocks/Doris (mapping rules can be selected on the web page for data migration and synchronization).
  • Support mapping of uppercase table/column names to lowercase table/column names for Aurora MySQL to StarRocks/Doris (mapping rules can be selected on the web page for data migration and synchronization).
  • Support Support modification subscription for Aurora MySQL to StarRocks/Doris (full data , incremental , data validation).


  • Optimized table mapping rules and column mapping rules for all links, supporting manual selection of mapping rules.
  • Optimized link documentation for more practical, concise, easy-to-maintain, and shareable content.

Problem Fixing

  • Fixed the issue of error when performing full data migration from MySQL to MySQL for columns of the bit data type.
  • Fixed the problem of missing synchronization of utf8mb4 character set from MySQL to TiDB.
  • Fixed the issue of inconsistent data types during full and incremental data writing from MySQL to MongoDB.
  • Fixed the problem where MySQL source with unsigned Long fields would continuously throw errors and fail to synchronize when the data exceeded 9223372036854775807.
  • Fixed the issue of error when executing DDL in MySQL to StarRocks migration.
  • Fixed the problem of no change in latency on the incremental synchronization page for target destinations such as Kafka, RocketMQ, RabbitMQ, ADB for MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, MySQL, PolarDbForMySQL, and Redis.
  • Fixed the issue of error in incremental synchronization from SQLServer to MySQL.
  • Fixed the issue of abnormal whitelist addition when synchronizing from PolarDbMySQL source using GHOST or PT tools.
  • Fixed the problem where creating a task was not possible when there were databases on the source side but none on the target side (Kafka, RocketMQ, RabbitMQ, Redis, ElasticSearch).
  • Modified the confirmation button text for parameter changes from "Apply Template Changes" to "Confirm".
  • Fixed the issue of error in parsing time types in MongoDB target (time types can now be written in different formats).
  • Fixed the issue of incorrect conversion of ObjectId, Binary, and Decimal types from MongoDB source.
  • Fixed the problem where the next step button was unclickable on the fourth step of creating a similar task in MongoDB to MySQL migration.
  • Fixed the issue where the table structure migration in the MongoDB source link task details could not be viewed.
  • Fixed the issue of partition overflow when writing to RocketMQ.
  • Fixed the issue of long response time during StreamLoad writing to StarRocks/Doris (set the target parameter httpSoTimeout).
  • Fixed the issue of DDL execution errors without interrupting tasks in TiDB, ClickHouse, and ADB for MySQL.
  • Fixed the issue of invalid DDL topic creation for RDB to Kafka/RocketMQ.
  • Fixed the issue of abnormal table mapping rule settings when creating a task.
  • Fixed the issue of subtask startup failure after adding databases and tables in the modification subscription.