Release Date: April 03th, 2024, Version Number:
New Connection
- Add Oracle -> RocketMQ structure migration, full data, incremental.
- Add TiDB -> ClickHouse structure migration, full data, and incremental, data verification.
New Features
- Support Kafka / RocketMQ DSG message format for the target.
- Support Kafka OGG KV JSON message format for the source.
- Support Kafka SASL / SCRAM authentication methods (for Alibaba Cloud/AWS managed Kafka).
- Support MySQL -> Kafka migration and synchronization for multiple schemas.
- Support MySQL -> RocketMQ migration and synchronization for multiple schemas.
- Support DDL event alerts for MySQL, PolarDbMySQL, and RDS for MySQL source endpoints (alerts are not set by default).
- Support LogMiner in Oracle source endpoints to parse only archived logs (new parameter: archiveLogOnlyMode).
- Support specifying the number of archived logs to be analyzed in a single LogMiner analysis when LogMiner is in ADD_FILE mode (new parameter: oraIncrLmAddFileLimit).
- Support printing the view records of redo or archive logs analyzed by LogMiner in Oracle source endpoints (new parameter: oraPrintViewInLogs).
- Support setting the SCN range size for each LogMiner analysis of redo or archive logs in Oracle source (new parameter: logMiningScnStep).
- Support incremental materialized view mode (mlog) in Oracle, enriching the options for incremental from Oracle source.
- Support adding virtual columns when modifying a task subscription.
- Support including virtual column information when creating similar tasks.
- Support modifying subscriptions for Kafka source (except for Kafka -> ElasticSearch).
- Support retaining or filtering excess columns in Kafka source messages (core parameter: autoSyncNewCreatedColumn).
- Support viewing table-to-database mappings for Kafka / RocketMQ -> MySQL.
- Support modifying the bufferMemory parameter when writing to Kafka target.
- Support time zone conversion for MySQL source during full synchronization (parameter: srcTimeZone), maintaining consistency with incremental synchronization capabilities.
- Support sorting validation tasks by loss, inconsistency, or filter.
- Support automatic installation, upgrade, and rollback of Sidecar using SSH passwordless login.
- Support batch precise matching when creating tasks and filtering tables.
- Optimized CHECK_POS heartbeat mode for MySQL source endpoints to record all binlog events for delayed comparison.
- Optimized LRem and HIncrBy commands for Redis <-> Redis interaction.
- Optimized Kafka driver loading method (external loading) to address security vulnerabilities. Default versions include kafka-clients 3.4.1 and kafka-client 2.8.2 (compatible with older Kafka versions).
- Optimized RocketMQ driver loading method (external loading).
- Optimized Hana driver loading method (external loading).
- Optimized Common-text driver version to address security vulnerabilities.
- Optimized logging of data writing in StarRocks, Doris, and SelectDB target endpoints, adding label information for easier troubleshooting of slow data writing.
- Optimized Debezium format for Kafka source endpoints to handle inconsistent numbers of "before" and "after" fields during parsing.
- Optimized SSH connection method by using a connection pool to cache session connections, eliminating the need for multiple connection establishments.
Problem Fixing
- Fixed the issue where modifying soTimeout for StarRocks / Doris initialization links had no effect.
- Fixed the problem where default database loss during Hana connection creation led to permission issues.
- Fixed the issue where changing the internal network address caused Console alerts to become ineffective.
- Fixed the issue with the type of all synchronization links for TiDB source.
- Fixed the problem of incorrect validation of data in time virtual columns.
- Fixed the issue of custom code package loss after modifying the subscription of a custom code task.
- Fixed the error that occurred when testing the connection to a Redis sentinel instance without a password while the master instance had a password.
- Fixed the problem of TTL loss during full initialization (Key, Hash, List, Set, ZSet) for Redis -> Redis.
- Fixed the issue where Oracle source endpoints in mlog incremental mode did not clean up consumed data.
- Fixed the issue of data loss due to inconsistent order of composite primary keys in Oracle source.
- Fixed the inaccurate NeedAutoCreate issue for Oracle -> Oracle TableSpace (referring to an error in structure migration when the target schema exists).
- Fixed the problem of data loss in Oracle target during data validation due to unhandled spaces in CHAR/NCHAR types.
- Fixed the error that occurred when parsing CHAR/NCHAR lengths exceeding 4000 in Oracle source.
- Fixed the issue where similar tasks could not be created for Oracle source.
- Fixed the problem where modifying subscriptions in Oracle -> StarRocks did not display correctly.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect Json node order in data validation resulted in inconsistent data.
- Fixed the problem with PostgreSQL -> MySQL incremental synchronization with Json data types.
- Fixed the issue where null strings in time types caused conversion failures in PostgreSQL target.
- Fixed the issue where full and incremental consumption partitions differed for OceanBase -> Kafka with the same primary key messages.
- Fixed the issue where continuous carrying of DML statements in messages occurred in MySQL -> Kafka due to the binlog_rows_query_log_events session parameter setting.